Most companies realize that going digital is not just an option anymore; it’s a necessity. No matter how small or big your business might be, you should have a website, blog and social media pages. And it’s a good idea to keep updating these as much as you can, if you want to keep increasing traffic to your site. This in turn will help you to increase your customer base.

However, there’s a certain problem that many companies have been seeing of late. Maybe you are getting a lot of traffic to your site but you’re not getting that many new customers. There are many ways to solve this issue which fall under the general heading of conversion rate optimization. The idea is to convert viewers into buyers as much as possible. Here are some tips to help you do this:

Valuable Content

There are times when companies will just post blogs in order to improve their SEO. The more keywords they use, the more they’ll show up in a variety of searches. And this means that more people will come to their website. However, if those people come to your website and find that your content is really not that interesting or useful, they’re not going to stay on your website. They probably won’t even read your article. They’ll just move on to the next item that shows in their search.

So it’s not a good idea to just keep posting content in order to attract visitors. You have to think long term. That’s what a thought leader in the industry would do — post blogs and social media comments that are going to improve the lives of the people who read them. Don’t just post filler content. And if this means that you have to read through everything yourself to make sure it meets your standards, then do so.


Once you’ve made sure that your content is really great, you also have to think about aesthetics. You’d be surprised at how many people turn away from a website simply because they don’t like the garish colors or they feel like it’s too “busy.” So stay away from garish colors and keep the layout simple.

You can still use bright colors, especially if you’re in a creative field like fashion, but just use your judgment. You don’t want to fade into the background by making your website too muted and too simple. But you don’t want to stand out in an unseemly way. Go for a middle of the road approach.

Contact us for more great digital strategy tips.

