Take Advantage of the New Facebook Algorithms

2 min readApr 26, 2018


In spite of recent announcements regarding Facebook algorithm changes and security concerns, your business pages, and social media content can experience tremendous profits right now.

The new modifications in social media ads mean your potential consumers and followers will see more relevant ads, placing you in the front of their news feeds.

There are strategies that may help ease these Facebook transitions, allowing your business to continue in the benefit of a successful social media presence.

Leverage Facebook Advertisements

New algorithm changes have made a positive impact on ad targeting abilities on Facebook. The power to promote content will give you the best advantage when paired with lead generation and website visit ads.

Your potential clients will now receive an advanced filter of relevant ads stemming from the campaigns you launch with the new algorithm processes. Since third-party app settings have launched for all Facebook users, your consumers can feel more confident about certain data that may be collected as well.

Combine Marketing Strategies

Modify your approach towards marketing your brand or services. Focus on the available resources that enable you to deliver the content and message you generally provide to the public.

Instead of separating your social media, email, blog, website, and video marketing strategies, concentrate on one combined strategy.

Drive Traffic to Owned Properties

Create a platform in which you have full control. Reconsider your websites and email lists. Establish your business website as the main designation online. You can remain in control of your content and subscribers in the event of further social media regulation changes occur.

Focus on Quality

Focus on quality over quantity. Maximize the engagement of social media visitors and the ability to reach new consumers. Assess the quality of content that is displayed on your websites, keeping topics positive while offering valuable solutions to readers who are searching keywords and phrases online.

Take advantage of the most opportune time to invest in Facebook ads for your business. For personalized social media marketing support, we invite you to contact our professional experts.

