2 min readFeb 20, 2019

People often assume that there is some secret to doing well in the digital world. Are you going to suddenly start getting more hits by posting at a certain time? What if you start writing about celebrities? Is that going to make you more popular? What if you start writing in a slangy way? What if you start using a lot of big words or jargon? Will people assume that you know more? These are some of the myths that have been perpetuated when it comes to digital strategy. So let’s get rid of them once and for all.

1. Time: Is it really that important to post at a certain time? The fact is that people check their email and social media first thing when they get into work. And teens tend to check when they get off from school. So sometimes, it can help you to post at certain times. But the fact is that if you keep posting regularly and writing good content, the time you’re posting at is not going to matter that much.

2. Celebrities: Sure, you might get a lot of hits by writing about the hot celebrities of the day. But are these the types of hits that you want? Are any of these people going to turn into customers? Probably not. So writing about celebs may get you more hits in the short term but doesn’t help you any in the long run.

3. Slang: If slang comes naturally to you, then sure, feel free to use it. But if you’re forcefully using slang into order to appeal to a younger age group, you can be sure they’ll have you figured out in no time!

4. Jargon: No one wants to read big words that they don’t know or understand. There might be some people who will be impressed by this type of language, but the majority will leave your website when they find they aren’t getting any of the information they need.

5. Attractive Models: Most people assume they need to use attractive models on their websites if they want to get more traffic. But the fact is that it’s more effective to use relatable models — models who look at least a little bit like your customer. So why not mix it up and use models who are white, black, skinny, plus-size, men, women, young, old etc.? Your potential customers will appreciate you for it.

Contact us to learn more about increasing your following in the digital world.


Written by 2TALLIN'

6'8 & Chief Social Marketer @ http://t.co/QvKsiVXCzC | Singer Producer & Songwriter http://t.co/rx301ugaqD #CleanPartyMusic

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