Five Profitable Social Media Strategies Revealed

3 min readMay 30, 2019


Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and site marketers all have one thing in common: the need for social media advertising. The responsibility of successfully managing and promoting your company’s website can be a confusing, overwhelming task. Not only are you running a business, but, you’re researching the best options to find cost-effective solutions for growth. The good news is social media advertising works. Everything you want in an advertising campaign is possible, leaving you free to organize and operate your business without distraction.

Once you’ve decided to develop an active social media strategy, comparing options can be a time-consuming ordeal. There are numerous choices, costs, and benefits available for every purpose and venue — all you have to do is choose. The following information comprises the top social media ad advantages and how to put them to work for you.

Choosing the Right Social Media Channels

The features and benefits you seek should lead to customer loyalty, more conversions, and increased profits. The dilemma lies in choosing and, choosing requires education. Working social media advertising to your benefit begins with a basic understanding of the terms used to decipher your data.

Some clients may opt for traditional customer interaction metrics such as clickthrough rates, page duration, sharing frequency, and comments. Other marketers find search-based applications and text analytics helpful in tracking positive and negative opinion mining. In any case, there are many terms to know about metrics so that you can accurately assess whether or not your ad campaign is working.

Relationships Built on Trust

Stable, long-lasting customer relationships rely on trust. When planning your social media advertising campaign, remember your initial goal is to establish and nurture communication between your customer and you. Pitching a big sale may come in the future, but for now, you want to create an environment of interest, knowledge, and trust.

Customers who are in search of products or services spend only seconds on a webpage. Time and concentration in formulating your campaign are essential as this is how you are to be perceived by the public. The structuring of your ad is crucial to your success. Brand loyalty is the result of excellent products and customer satisfaction — now is your opportunity to assure them of both, creating a positive first impression.

Putting Your Ad “Out-There”

Though you know what you want to say, you may not be sure how best to say it. The way search engines operate, marketers must have some knowledge of getting traffic to their site using Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you’re not able to stay apprised of the constant changes and SEO requirements, an advertising agency can help.

Blogs are useful, but today, you also need title optimization, Meta tags with descriptions, and links which point to your specific site. Search engines such as Chrome, Google, or Firefox may use your participation in social media advertising in their calculations. Your presence on social media notifies various search engines of your credibility and trustworthiness.

Experience, Expertise, and Trust

According to Forbes, “Social media can be overwhelming if you don’t have the proper knowledge or tools. Whether it’s to create or repurpose content, to find the best way to engage with your online community or to create a complete posting schedule, having the right social media management tools is crucial to your success.”

Every post you place on social media is an opportunity to convert customers for a lifetime. Creating a large customer base creates more prospects for the future.

High Conversion Rates

Social media advertising has influenced the world in such a way that while it is useful, it also demands marketing expertise, savvy public relations, and hours of education.

Real-Time Outsource lives and operates in the world of social media. We know how to best serve you by orchestrating the details of your campaign for maximum results.

We’re here to help you personalize your brand, which is the secret behind the success of many social media ads. We have the experience and track-record it takes to help you benefit from interacting on a personal level with your online clientele. Please contact us to speak with one of our advertising experts today.






