3 Social Media Marketing Tips For Finally Getting Started!

2 min readNov 28, 2018


Getting started with social media marketing shouldn’t be confusing or difficult. It’s all about how you approach it, how much work and time you are willing to put into it, and what your final goal is. These tips will help you gain control of your social media profiles and amp up your engagement.

Have a plan. Nobody walks into a challenge without a plan. If you have your own business, more than likely you drew out a business plan to outline exactly what your goals are and where you want to end up. It’s the same with social media. While each platform is different in their own way, you’ll still need a good strategy to pull in potential leads.

Know your audience. This ties into the previous tip; based on your goals, who is your audience? For example, if you own a salon or spa, gear your services towards those who are interested in the beauty industry. Make sure that your social media platforms are advertised properly for whatever industry you are in; do research and pay attention to what people want.

Once you begin building that relationship with other people, your audience will grow and eventually you will get leads.

Choose your main platform. Most businesses have more than one social media platform, but it’s always wise to use one as your main strategy. The most popular one is Facebook; you can create a page for your business or website, go live to talk about what’s happening, and you can create engagement by sharing your posts on other feeds.

Choosing your platform will again depend on your specific goals and final outcome. Local and large businesses tend to use Facebook and LinkedIn. Twitter and Instagram are great if you’re just starting out and want to test the waters.

If you need help building a social media strategy, feel free to contact us today.

